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Course Materials | 2011 InSAR: An introduction to Processing and Applications for Geoscientists

Additional materials:

Video recordings of the 2011 InSAR Short Course are available for download and viewing using the WebEx Network Recoding Player available for free:

The file format is .ARF, so download the .ARF player for Windows or Mac.

WARNING: The files are large. Total for all four: 1.5 Gigabytes

The available files are:

  • Monday, August 8 (4 hours total): SAR and InSAR theory (2 hours)
    Installation of ROI_pac and processing of test data (2 hours)
  • Tuesday, August 9, Part 1: Additional InSAR theory (1hour 15 minutes)
  • Tuesday August 9, Part 2 (5 hours, 15 minutes): View results of processing test data and ROI_Pac internals (~1 hour 30 minutes)
    Overview of how to download data, download DEM's and process data from Envisat of 2010 Baja earthquake (~2 hours, 15 minutes)
    Finish the ROI_PAC internals (45 minutes)
    Visualizing data and understanding the output (including unwrapping) from the Envisat Baja earthquake data (45 minutes)
  • Wednesday, August 10 (6 hours): More practical considerations: details on how to download data, online resources, understanding interferogram errors and the line-of-sight (1 hour 15 minutes)
    Processing data from ALOS from 2010 Haiti earthquake (1 hour)
    Finish practical considerations and more on fixing unwrapping problems from Baja, (30 minutes)
    Dealing with problems in processing the ALOS data (15 minutes)
    SAR pixel tracking results from the 2010 Baja earthquake (15 minutes)
    Methods for removing atmospheric effects from interferograms (15 minutes)
    Overview of InSAR time series methods (30 minutes)
    Using the snaphu unwrapper (15 minutes)
    Understanding the output of the ALOS Haiti test data (30 minutes)
    30 minutes of the course are missing -- sorry!
    Optical pixel tracking (30 minutes)
    COSMOSky-Med SAR pixel tracking for 2011 Christchurch & ALOS SAR pixel tracking for 2008 Wenchuan earthquakes (15 minutes)

Last modified: 2019-12-24  01:25:39  America/Denver