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2006 Short Courses Archive

In response to community requests and interest, UNAVCO provides an annual series of short courses focussed on UNAVCO tools and data streams. These courses are for current researchers who want to refresh their skills or explore the use of new tools, and for early career scientists such as post doctoral fellows, graduate students, and upper level undergraduates who want to learn the latest geodetic techniques.

Short Course Materials

Course Materials from previous short courses.


GPS Course:

GPS Data Analysis (GAMIT/GLOBK): A Short Course for Intermediate and Experienced Users

June 12-14, 2006
UNAVCO: Boulder, Colorado

Strainmeter Course:

Working with Strainmeter and Tiltmeter Data: A Short Course for New Users

June 14-16, 2006
UNAVCO: Boulder, Colorado

Teacher (Grades 6 - 12) Development Courses:

  • Using GPS Data to Study Crustal Deformation, Earthquakes, and Volcanism: A Workshop for College Faculty

    October 22-25, 2006
    Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (college faculty)
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    A half-day workshop for college faculty who teach introductory/general education Earth science courses
    Convener: UNAVCO

  • Using Data-Rich Activities to Teach About Plate Tectonics, Earth Structure, and Earthquakes

    October 26-29, 2006
    Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science National Meeting (K-12 teachers)
    Tampa, Florida
    This workshop targets 6th-12th grade teachers and will be no longer than a half-day.
    Conveners: UNAVCO and IRIS

  • Geophysical Information for Teachers (GIFT) Workshop: Earthquakes And Tsunamis

    December 11-15, 2006
    Fall AGU Meeting
    San Francisco, California
    2 Day Workshop (K-12 teachers): This workshop targets K-12 teachers in conjunction with the GIFT (Geophysical Information for Teachers) program.
    Conveners: IRIS, UNAVCO, and others


Last modified: 2020-02-05  23:52:20  America/Denver