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@ AGU - Measuring Water Resources with GPS, Gravity, and Traditional Methods: Undergraduate Teaching Module

Course Overview

Date and Time: Tuesday December 11, 2018; 4:00-6:00 pm
Location: American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting
Marriott Marquis, Georgetown Room
901 Massachusetts Ave, Washington DC

GPS crustal mostion vectors in western USA; near-empty reservoir during California drought; GPS station in Greenland; earthquake damaged school in Nepal

Looking to incorporate cutting edge water resources data into your undergraduate courses?

Using GPS and gravity data sets in undergraduate courses can be challenging, as few prepared resources are available. Many instructors may only be partially familiar with the wider range of data sets and methods. This short course gives instructors hands-on experience with a curricular module that feature GPS/GNSS and gravity data alongside more traditional water measurement methods such a snow pillow stations and ground water wells. The module features the societal applications of geoscience while challenging them to develop quantitative skills relevant to scientific data analysis. Appropriate for courses such as hydrogeology, hydrology, earth system science, environmental science, and introductory geoscience for majors. The short course also provides structured time for discussion and planning implementation into undergraduate courses.

Short Course Goals

Participants will:

  • Be able to access online teaching resources presented in the short course 
  • Practice using teaching resources 
  • Construct implementation plan for adopting or adapting relevant teaching resources

Brief Agenda

  • Introduction to teaching strategies and geodetic methods
  • Overview of Measuring Water Resources with GPS, Gravity, and Traditional Methods module
  • Implementation planning
  • Overview of other available geodetic teaching resources


  • Bruce Douglas, Indiana University, douglasb
  • Beth Pratt-Sitaula, UNAVCO, prattsitaula

Photo credits clockwise from top: California Department of Water Resources, UNAVCO, NASA.


Last modified: 2019-12-24  01:25:45  America/Denver