The Geodetic Facility for the Advancement of Geoscience (GAGE) is one of the National Science Foundation’s two premier geophysical facilities in support of geoscience and geoscience education.

The GAGE Facility supports cutting-edge geoscience discoveries, applications, and education with geodesy for broad societal benefit. GAGE provides the foundation and infrastructure to support research on every continent across a broad spectrum of geosciences.
GAGE is operated by EarthScope Consortium in support of the geophysics community. Following the merger of UNAVCO and IRIS, the complementary NSF Seismological Facility for the Advancement of Geoscience (SAGE) is also operated by EarthScope.
The GAGE Facility provides support to the NSF investigator community for geodesy, Earth Sciences research, education, and workforce development with broad societal benefits. NSF-funded geodesy investigators are active on every continent, across a broad spectrum of the geosciences and facilitated by GAGE data, engineering, education, and community services.
NSF’s Earth Sciences Division (EAR) and Office of Polar Programs (OPP) fund facility support for PI geodesy research and GPS/GNSS networks around the world, including Greenland and Antarctica, while NASA funds support for operations of the GGN and the activities of the IGS Central Bureau that make millimeter-level global geodesy possible. The USGS provides funding for maintenance of Volcano Hazards Program stations and for support of the ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning System.