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Polar Services - Antarctic - Meta-Data Summaries (1996/97 Season) - S-009 Siniff

S-009 Siniff

Data Set Name:
S-009 1996/97

PI: Donald Siniff
POC: Tom Gelatt
Institution: University of Minnesota
Web Site:

Data Type:
DGPS position


Name: McMurdo Sound
Coordinates: 77 40 S  166 30 E
Radius: 5 km

Data Center:
Field project leader Tom Gelatt requested GPS coordinates to accurately document next season's proposed Big Razorback hut location. Meter level precision was required due to the proximity to Big Razorback Island and the nearby seals. With these coordinates, the hut can potentially be placed in the correct location by ASA without field team members present. This support work was done using RTCM differential corrections transmitted by the GAGE differential station at McMurdo, and did not require post-processing of data.

Last modified: 2024-07-08  14:50:58  America/Denver