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Polar Services - Antarctic - Meta-Data Summaries (2008/09 Season) - I-196 Hall

I-196 Hall

Data Set Name:
I-196 Hall 2008-09

PI: Dr. Brenda Hall
Institution: University of Maine
POC: Dr. Howard Conway

Data Type:
Fast Static GPS

12/1/2008 - 01/28/2009

Name: Scott Glacier
Coordinates: 85 45S, 153 0W
Radius: 30 km

Data Center:
Name: GAGE
Phone: 303-381-7500

Summary: In a continued effort to reconstruct the glacial history of the Scott Glacier, I-196 again focused on describing the glacier's evolution from the last glacial maximum to the present day. Constraints on the thinning of the Scott Glacier since the last glacial maximum will be used to bracket the timing of the grounding-line retreat past the glacier mouth. This will help establish whether the Holocene retreat of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is ongoing, or if it has ended. For their field season, the team was given 3 Trimble R7/5700's and one Trimble 4700 GPS system.


Last modified: 2024-07-08  14:50:58  America/Denver