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Polar Services - Antarctic - Meta-Data Summaries (2006/07 Season) - G-081 Kyle

G-081 Kyle
No Photo Available

Data Set Name:
G-081 2006/07

PI: Philip Kyle
Institution: New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
POC: Nelia Dunbar

Data Type:
Fast Static, Stop and Go Kinematic

Nov 2006 - Dec 2006

Name: Mt. Erebus
Coordinates: 77.517 S, 167.150 E
Radius: 10 km

Data Center:
Name: GAGE
Phone: 303-381-7500

Dr. Kyle requested GAGE support for both campaign and permanent station GPS activities on Mt. Erebus to measure 
the deformation of the volcano caused by the migration of magma. Two Trimble 5700/R7 and one 4700 receivers were provided 
to the field team for mapping activities and campaign occupations. GAGE also continued involvement in maintenance of the 
permanent GPS network on Erebus. The Trimble NetRS at site CONZ was replaced because of a faulty flashcard. Modifications 
to the repeater antenna were made and batteries for the repeater radio were added by GAGE. The Trimble R7 receiver at 
Abbott Peak was downloaded at the beginning and end of the season. Data from the seven telemetered Erebus permanent stations 
are downloaded daily to McMurdo Station, and transferred to the GAGE data archive where they are on-line to the science community.


Last modified: 2024-07-08  14:50:58  America/Denver