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Polar Services - Antarctic - Meta-Data Summaries (2006/07 Season) - B-086 Naveen

B-086 Naveen

Data Set Name:
B-086 2006/07

PI: Ron Naveen
Institution: Oceanites
POC: Ron Naveen

Data Type:
Stop and Go Kinematic

Summer 2006-07

Name: Petermann Island
Coordinates: 65.17 S  64.17 W
Radius: 10 km

Data Center:
Name: PI

Ron Naveen and his team monitor penguin and seabird populations on Petermann Is, which is near Palmer Station. 
The long-term monitoring project is a part of the international Antarctic Site Inventory program. B068 used GPS equipment 
loaned from GAGE to map the island in greater detail (Figure 7).  Besides two GPS receivers and ancillary equipment 
GAGE provided two days of training in Boulder prior to the group's deployment and help with processing upon completion 
of the field season.


Last modified: 2024-07-08  14:50:58  America/Denver