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Polar Services - Antarctic - Meta-Data Summaries (2005/06 Season) - T-513 Booth

T-513 Booth
No photo available

Data Set Name:
T-513 2005/06

PI: Charles Booth
Institution: Biospherical Instruments
POC: James Ehramjian

Data Type:
Stop and Go Kinematic


Name: Arrival Heights, Ross Island
Coordinates: 77.8 S, 166.7 E
Radius: 1 km

Data Center:
Name: PI
The T-513 group operates a network of ultraviolet radiation sensors in the polar regions, including one station at Arrival Heights near McMurdo. GAGE support was requested to obtain accurate coordinates for the instrument's optical collector and a survey of visual obstructions in the instrument's field of view. While RPSC surveyors ultimately performed the survey, GAGE personnel had previous experience working with T-513 and assisted in specifying the exact survey requirements.

Last modified: 2024-07-08  14:50:58  America/Denver