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Polar Services - Antarctic - Meta-Data Summaries (2005/06 Season) - G-076 Putkonen

G-076 Putkonen
No photo available

Data Set Name:
G-076 2005/06

PI: Jaakko Putkonen
Institution: University of Washington
POC: Jaakko Putkonen

Data Type:
Fast Static


Name: Dry Valleys
Coordinates: 77.85 S, 160.00 E 
Radius: 20 km

Data Center:
Name: PI
Dr. Putkonen's group is using cosmogenic dating methods to determine past ice dynamics within the McMurdo Dry Valleys. GAGE provided two Trimble R7 base receivers and a Trimble 4700 roving receiver to measure the locations of pins in boulders on gelifluction flows within the valleys. These pins were installed during the 2004-05 season, and were remeasured to determine flow rates of these features. Training and data processing support were also provided.

Last modified: 2024-07-08  14:50:58  America/Denver