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Polar Services - Antarctic - Meta-Data Summaries (2004/05 Season) - G-079 Wilson

G-079 Wilson

Data Set Name:
G-079 2004/05

PI: Terry Wilson
Institution: Ohio State University
PI Email:
POC: Mike Willis

Data Type:


Name: Transantarctic Mountains and Ross Island region
Coordinates:  77 50 S  166 40 E
Radius: 200 km

Data Center:
Name: PI
Dr. Wilson's group is studying the crustal motions around the Ross Sea area associated with glacio-isostatic adjustment (uplift or subsidence resulting from unloading or loading of crust by glaciers) and with active rifting of the Terror rift system. This group's application demands the highest possible precision allowed by GPS. GAGE provided ten Trimble 5700/R7 GPS receivers for campaign measurements and a Trimble NetRS receivers and a Trimble R7 receiver for winter-over sites. Additionally, GAGE worked with G-079 to upgrade two continuously-operating sites to telemeter their data back in near-real-time. The site at Mt. Fleming was equipped with a Trimble NetRS receiver which sends data to McMurdo via a repeater installed this season at Truncated Cones on Mt. Erebus. Iridium was tested as a means to send data back from Fishtail Point.

Last modified: 2024-07-08  14:50:58  America/Denver