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Polar Services - Antarctic - Meta-Data Summaries (2001/02 Season) - RPSC Environmental Gilbert

RPSC Environmental Gilbert
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Data Set Name:
RPCS Environmental 2001/02

PI: Geoff Gilbert
Institution: Raytheon Polar Services Company
Web Site:

Data Type: Kinematic GPS Dates: 12/01 Location: Name: McMurdo Station Coordinates: 77 51 S  166 40 W Radius: 1 km Data Center: Name: GAGE URL: Email: Phone: 303-381-7500
Jeff Gilbert requested assistance from GAGE to survey the locations of all fuel tanks at McMurdo Station. This request was in response to a spill from a McMurdo fuel tank and support was provided on a resource-available basis. A post-processed kinematic survey was performed to locate the center of the tanks to approx 30 cm. Historic spill sites in excess of 40 gallons were also marked using a handheld GPS receiver. A second survey measured the vertical profiles of two possible stream diversions (Figure 7) that RPSC considered due to large run-off of existing streams caused by the warm temperatures this year. These streams cut through fuel spill contaminated areas or are undercutting roads. Accurate vertical elevation profiles are required to determine the feasibility of re-routing these streams. GAGE surveyed the possible routes using a Trimble 4000 receiver. Data from both surveys were processed and archived. 

Last modified: 2024-07-08  14:50:58  America/Denver