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Polar Services - Antarctic - Meta-Data Summaries (2001/02 Season) - I-153 Mayewski

I-153 Mayewski

Data Set Name:
I-153 2001-02

PI: Paul Mayewski
Institution: University of Maine
POC: Gordon Hamilton
Email: gordon.

Web Site: Data Type:
Static GPS

11/01 - 01/02

Name: West Antarctic Ice Sheet
Coordinates: 82 S  120 W
Radius: 500 km

Data Center:
Name: GAGE
Phone: 303-381-7500
Seven GPS receivers, including a new 5700 system, and training were provided to ITASE GPS manager Gordon Hamilton. The equipment was used extensively to locate the traverse path and radar pulses, and for campaign surveys of Ian Whillans' "coffee can" sites that estimate accumulation rates at various locations around the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. The project GPS data were archived after the field season. GAGE also provided two receivers to Gordon Hamilton after the field season to integrate GPS and ground penetrating radar (GPR) data streams in preparation for next season's ITASE traverse. 

Last modified: 2024-07-08  14:50:58  America/Denver