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Polar Services - Antarctic - Meta-Data Summaries (2000/01 Season) - I-153 Mayewski

I-153 Mayewski

Data Set Name:
I-153 2000-01

PI: Paul Mayewski
POC: Gordon Hamilton
Institution: University of Maine
Email: gordon.

Web Site: Data Type:
Static GPS

11/00 - 01/01

Name: West Antarctic Ice Sheet
Coordinates: 82 S  120 W
Radius: 300 km

Data Center:
Name: GAGE
Phone: 303-381-7500
GAGE provided five geodetic quality receivers and a Linux-based laptop computer to co-PI Gordon Hamilton for snow surface measurements on the U.S. component of the International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (ITASE) traverse on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. The aim of this traverse is to develop a better understanding of the last 200 years of West Antarctic climate and environmental change through multidisciplinary research. Four receivers were used on the traverse for local measurements and the fifth was left at Byrd Camp as a reference station. The laptop computer was used to automatically download the reference receiver at Byrd Camp while it was unattended for six weeks. The data were archived at GAGE after the field season. 

Last modified: 2024-07-08  14:50:58  America/Denver