Nicoya Peninsula continuous GPS network telemetry upgrades and COCONet network expansion

Project Overview The Nicoya Peninsula continuous GPS network consists of 18 remote sites distributed mostly in the forearc of the Cocos subduction zone in northwest Costa Rica. The network is designed to measure transient surface deformation above the seismogenic plate-boundary interface. The network was established and expanded in several stages beginning in 2006. Many of … Continued

The Polar Earth Observing Network (POLENET) 2011/2012 Field Season

Project Overview The POLENET (Polar Earth Observing Network) project focuses on collecting GPS and seismic data from autonomous systems deployed at remote sites spanning much of the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets. GPS and seismic measurements together provide a means to answer critical questions about ice sheet behavior. Determining the vertical and horizontal velocity fields … Continued

2011-12 Antarctic Season Highlights

Project Overview UNAVCO provides geodetic support to NSF-OPP funded scientific investigators working in the Arctic and Antarctic. Survey grade GPS receivers, terrestrial laser scanners, and supporting power and communications systems for continuous data collection and campaign surveying are available. Operation and maintenance services are also provided for long term data collection, with on-line data distribution … Continued