UNAVCO installs COCONet cGPS site in Aruba

Project Overview Determining how the Caribbean plate moves with respect to the neighboring North America and South America plates has been a major challenge. Geologic plate motion models using seafloor magnetic anomaly rates, transform fault azimuths, and slip vectors are challenging due to sparse data. The only rates come from the Cayman Spreading Center, and … Continued

UNAVCO installs COCONet cGPS site in Trinidad

Project Overview The Continuously Operating Caribbean GPS Observational Network (COCONet) was recently expanded with the installation of a new GPS station on the island of Trinidad. This island is the lowest latitude landform of the West Indian island arc chain, and the new station now marks the most south easterly boundary of COCONet. However, two … Continued

COCONet station installed in Anguilla

Project Overview Determining how the Caribbean plate moves with respect to the neighboring North America and South America plates has been a major challenge. Geologic plate motion models using seafloor magnetic anomaly rates, transform fault azimuths and slip vectors are challenging due to sparse data. The only rates come from the Cayman Spreading Center, and … Continued

COCONet station installed near Anegada Passage

Project Overview Puerto Rico and the northern Virgin Islands define the eastern terminus of the Greater Antilles, which extend eastward from offshore eastern Central America to the Lesser Antilles volcanic arc and mark the boundary between the Caribbean and North America plates. In Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, and the northern Virgin Islands, the Puerto Rico trench … Continued

Three continuous GPS sites constructed in Panama for COCONet

Project Overview UNAVCO staff installed 3 new COCONet continuous GPS/MET sites in Panama, which complement the previously installed CN33 (ca. November 2011) continuous GPS/MET site. A total of 4 new COCONet cGPS and meteorological sites (CN20, CN28, CN33, and CN34) are now operational in Panama. In addition, COCONet is receiving continuous GPS data from four … Continued

COCONet stations in Mexico provide links between North American and Caribbean plates

Project Overview Two sites at the most southern part of the North American continental plate were installed in Mexico as part of the ongoing Continuously Operating Caribbean GPS Observational Network (COCONet). COCONet is funded by the National Science Foundation with the aim of developing a large-scale geodetic and atmospheric infrastructure in the Caribbean that will form … Continued

RAPID: Nicoya Earthquake After-event Response (NEAR) 2012

Project Overview Megathrust earthquakes occur at subduction zones at convergent boundaries, where one tectonic plate is subducted by another. These earthquakes are among the most powerful and destructive natural hazards on the planet. Over 250,000 people were killed by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami generated by the Sumatra-Andaman megathrust earthquake. These events are devastating, not … Continued

COCONet GPS Network Expansion: Colombia

Project Overview COCONet (Continuously Operating Caribbean GPS Observational Network) is an NSF sponsored project with over 35 participating institutions from South, Central, and North America. COCONet will establish a network of over 50 new continuous GPS (cGPS) and meteorology stations, refurbish an additional 21 stations, and archive data from more than 60 cGPS stations that … Continued

Nicoya Peninsula continuous GPS network telemetry upgrades and COCONet network expansion

Project Overview The Nicoya Peninsula continuous GPS network consists of 18 remote sites distributed mostly in the forearc of the Cocos subduction zone in northwest Costa Rica. The network is designed to measure transient surface deformation above the seismogenic plate-boundary interface. The network was established and expanded in several stages beginning in 2006. Many of … Continued