Elvis Leif Mendoza Rivera (INETER) and Jim Normandeau (UNAVCO) replace the chokering antenna’s LNA at the cGPS station MANA, in Managua. (Photo/Pete LaFemina, Penn State) PI Pete LaFemina conducting a UAS flight over the Masay Volcano. (Photo/Jim Normandeau, UNAVCO) The lava lake at Masaya Volcano, day vs night. (Photo/Jim Normandeau, UNAVCO) eGPS station ELCO. Sometimes you still have to use a tripod. (Photo/Jim Normandeau, UNAVCO) San Cristobal Seismic Station Norte (SCSN), Santa Cruz. Location of future cGPS station. (Photo from Jim Normandeau, UNAVCO) Every seismic bunker had to be searched for scorpions, snakes, wasps, etc. before working inside. (Photo from Jim Normandeau, UNAVCO) Seismic bunker and cGPS station on the north side of Telica Volcano. Original GPS receiver was replaced with a UNAVCO deprecated receiver, one of five given to INETER. (Photo/Jim Normandeau, UNAVCO) You cannot always trust Google maps…. (Photo/Jim Normandeau, UNAVCO) Station MOGA: INETER Momotombo network pillar. PI Pete LaFemina conducting a UAS flight. (Photo/Jim Normandeau, UNAVCO) PI Pete LaFemina negotiates with a land owner on gaining access to a benchmark. (Photo/Jim Normandeau, UNAVCO) Installing a gas sensor on Masaya Volcano. (Photo/Jim Normandeau, UNAVCO)
Project Overview
Fieldwork in Nicaragua conducted in early February 2020 supported three different projects funded by NSF and NASA, as noted above. The work involved setting up GPS equipment for campaign surveys (eGPS), installing new campaign monuments, repairing continuous GPS stations (cGPS), installing a new cGPS station, installing a gas sensor on Masaya volcano, UAS flights on Masaya, and training technicians from INETER on how to repair cGPS equipment, namely replacing the LNA on the chokering antenna.
NOTA Maintenance
There are three NOTA GPS stations in Nicaragua, each in need of repair and antenna updates to enable tracking of GNSS data. During the first few days in Managua, INETER technician Elvis Leif Mendoza Rivera was trained on how to replace the LNA on the chokering antenna of station MANA, without removing the antenna. This method helps minimize any offset that may occur when repairing or replacing an antenna. Elvis will use the training to perform the same maintenance on stations CN29 and CN30. While in Managua, the team also overhauled the MANA power system and retrieved the campaign GPS equipment from INETER storage, and assembled and repaired the kits as needed.
Masaya Volcano
On the afternoon before departing Managua, the team went to the Masaya Volcano to set up a gas sensor, assess the cGPS station for future repairs, and fly a UAS to take photos of the lava lake.
Regional Geodetic Measurements
Using 11 GPS campaign kits, the team collected data on benchmarks around the two project areas, in the Leon region and the Managua Graben. While in these areas, several cGPS stations were repaired and brought back online. In addition, one large pillar was constructed at the INETER Meteorological Station Monte Rosa (IMMR).
Project Information
- Principal Investigator(s): Dr. Peter LaFemina, Penn State, and Armando Saballos, INETER
- UNAVCO Staff: Jim Normandeau
- Dates: Start date 2-18 February, 2020
- Location: Nicaragua
- Funding Source(s): NSF EAR 1826508, NASA 16-ESI16-0030, Network of the Americas (NOTA) through NSF GAGE
- Map of Nicaragua
Written by:
- Jim Normandeau
- Posted: 26 February 2020
- Last updated: 4 June 2021
- Tags: GPS/GNSS, project highlights