Intern Spotlight: Shana Egan (RESESS)

Shana Egan is a rising senior at the University of Arizona, double majoring in geophysics and chemistry. Growing up in Florida, Shana was constantly exposed to hurricanes, launching her interest in natural hazards. After completing a project about volcanoes in elementary school, Shana knew that she wanted to pursue a career and education in geoscience. At the University of Arizona, Shana has been involved with two research projects. In the first, she spent a semester in astrochemistry research with the Ziurys group, examining the presence of polyatomic compounds in planetary nebulae to see if basic molecules form in these primal environments.

Intern Spotlight: Alex Nguyen (RESESS)

Alex Nguyen is a rising junior at Vassar College studying Earth Science and Astronomy. In high school, Alex participated in a program at Washington University in St. Louis through which he took an introductory course in global climate change. This experience sparked Alex’s interest in renewable energy and large-scale climate impacts, leading him to study geology in college.

Intern Spotlight: Ruben De La Calle (RESESS)

Ruben De La Calle is a recent graduate of North Carolina State University with a major in geology and a minor in environmental science. Certain that he wanted his education to focus on the environment, Ruben began his studies with the intention to major in environmental engineering. However, after taking an introductory geology course his sophomore year, Ruben realized he wanted to pursue a major in geology. No matter the major, Ruben always knew that he wanted to prioritize environmental practices in his studies.

Intern Spotlight: Samantha Motz (RESESS)

Samantha Motz is a third-year student at the Georgia Institute of Technology studying Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. Samantha has always been fascinated in nature and grew up playing in the forest behind her apartment. Despite recognizing this passion for nature, Samantha initially decided to study art. She went to college for graphic design, but felt that art was not providing her with the larger purpose in life that she desired. From art, she went into business, then to art history, in search of her passion.

Intern Spotlight: Zulliet Cabrera Gomez (RESESS)

Zulliet Cabrera Gomez is entering her senior year at SUNY Oneonta as a geology major. Although she grew up in a city that lacked a lot of nature, Zulliet got interested in Earth science after taking a course about the subject in high school. When she had the opportunity to attend a suburban college, she had the chance to explore more nature than in her hometown. She entered college undecided in her major; however, a friend recommended that she join the geology department. Once Zulliet began taking courses, she realized how much she enjoyed Earth science. This is her second year as a RESESS intern.

Intern Spotlight: Phillip Choi (RESESS)

Phillip Choi is a rising senior at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Although he initially entered college interested in studying cultural anthropology, Phillip soon realized that he preferred physics. After having completed compulsory military service in Korea, Phillip recognized how much he enjoyed outdoor fieldwork. Once he got to know some of the faculty and students in the Earth Science department at his university and learned more about geology, Phillip decided that his true passion was geophysics, which incorporated both his interest in nature and his knack for physics.

Trinidad and Tobago Neotectonics and Seismic Hazard

Trinidad and Tobago Neotectonics and Seismic Hazard from Geodesy Overview The rich and varied landscapes and geology of Trinidad and Tobago, a twin-island nation in the southeast Caribbean, reflect a complex, multi-phase tectonic history. Trinidad-Tobago makes up the eastern part of the southern Caribbean orogen, a range of coastal collisional mountains that rim northern South … Continued

Reviving a Site Just out of Reach: P438

Overview GPS/GNSS station P438 is located on Northwest Island, a small uninhabited island adjacent to Fidalgo Island in the Puget Sound. The site is in a prime location to capture episodic tremor and slip data and monitor ongoing plate deformation in the Cascadia subduction zone. Yet site access is tricky: P438 is only accessible via … Continued

The Myrtle Grove Subsidence Superstation

Delta Sites How do you install a GPS station in a marsh? How about three all in the same place? Installation of the Myrtle Grove subsidence superstation began in August 2016, but planning began well beforehand. The array of three co-located stations in Myrtle Grove, Louisiana, posed particular challenges, as the instruments were installed in … Continued

Subduction Below Extreme Sedimentation: Part 2 – Myanmar

Summary of Work Continuing previous work in Bangladesh, Michael Steckler (LDEO) and Keith Williams (UNAVCO) arrived back in Myanmar in late October of 2018 to begin the installation of five additional cGPS sites with collaborators. The larger project entails installation of a transect of cGPS stations and seismometers spanning Bangladesh, India, and Myanmar (see previous Tripartite … Continued