Synthesis and integration of EarthScope scientific results for Alaska
Organizers: Jeff Freymueller (Michigan State University), Rick Aster (Colorado State University), Julie Elliott (Purdue University), Sarah Roeske (UC Davis)
A virtual workshop is planned for the week of May 10-14, which will be the culmination of a series of weekly seminars. This page will be updated with additional information and links to seminar recordings.
The goal of the series and of the workshop is to foster synthesis and integration of EarthScope scientific results for Alaska. Seminars span a broad range of topics within the scope of the EarthScope science plan (and including related topics supported by other programs).
Seminars are scheduled every Monday from 3-4pm ET (with a few exceptions) through the end of April. Most will feature two roughly 30-minute talks.
We have a mailing list for this series—if you want to be on the mailing list to receive the registration links and other notifications, please send an email to Sarah Roeske (

Workshop Information
Our virtual workshop will be held over the week of May 10-14, with sessions every day.
(all times US ET)
Monday 5/10, 1pm to 4pm: Lightning Talks and Poster Session
Tuesday 5/11, noon to 2pm: Seismology Synthesis and Comparison
Tuesday 5/11, 3pm to 5pm: Instantaneous vs. Long-term Tectonics
Wednesday 5/12, 2pm to 4pm: Volcanism and Arc Structure
Thursday 5/13, noon to 2pm: The Subduction Interface
Thursday 5/13, 3pm to 5pm: Reports, Action Items, and Follow-up Efforts
Friday 5/14, 1pm to 3pm: Exploring Future Science Opportunities
You can attend as many or as few of the discussion/breakout sessions as you like. None will run in parallel, and there will be as long a break between sessions on the same day as we can manage given time zone and availability constraints. We have not yet worked out the exact order for the discussions but will update that soon along with the daily time schedule.
We will be scheduling discussion times for the posters, so we ask that poster presenters commit in advance to presenting a poster and accompanying lightning talk. Posters will also be available online. Please use this form to provide the presenting author, poster title, and your availability times for discussion by April 30.
January 25, 2021
Presenters: Julie Elliott, Mike West
Seminar Recording
February 1, 2021
Vera Schulte-Pelkum
Seminar Recording
February 8
Thorne Lay, Carl Tape
Seminar Recording
February 22
Lucy Flesch, Purdue University
Margarete Jadamec, University at Buffalo
Topic: Geodynamics in Alaska
Seminar Recording
March 1
Rob Witter, USGS/Alaska Science Center
Topic: Paleoseismology in the Shumagin Islands
Ian Shennan, Durham University
Topic: Paleoseismology of the 1964 Earthquake Rupture Area
Seminar Recording
March 8
Pascal Audet, University of Ottawa
Clément Estève, McGill University
Topic: Seismic Imaging in the Northern Cordillera of Canada
Seminar Recording
March 15
Andrew Schaeffer, Geological Survey of Canada
Topic: Structure of the Crust and Mantle in the Canadian Cordillera
Dan Frost, UC Berkeley
Topic: Impact of the TA in Alaska on Studies of the Earth’s Interior
Seminar Recording
March 22
Ronni Grapenthin, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Topic: Instantaneous GNSS velocities for Earthquake Characterization
Matt Wei, University of Rhode Island
Topic: Segmentation of slow slip events in south central Alaska
Seminar Recording
March 29
Cliff Thurber, University of Wisconsin Madison
Topic: Imaging the Deep Crustal Structure Beneath the Katmai Region
Matt Haney, USGS/Alaska Volcano Observatory
Topic: Ambient Noise Imaging of Cleveland and Okmok Volcanoes
Seminar Recording
April 5
Geoff Abers, Cornell University
Topic: Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment
Michael Mann, Cornell University
Topic: WVLF – Wrangell Volcanism & Lithospheric Fate Seismic Experiment
Seminar Recording
April 12
Sarah Roeske, UC Davis
Topic: Insights on major crustal boundaries in AK
Sue Karl, USGS/Alaska Science Center and Jonathan Caine, USGS/Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry Science Center
Topic: Geologic Insights from Surface to Depth Along the Eastern Denali Fault Zone
Seminar Recording
April 19
No Seminar (SSA)
April 26
Terry Pavlis, UT El Paso
Gary Pavlis, Indiana University
Topic: Tectonics of the Yakutat Margin
Seminar Recording