Dates: Wednesday August 10 - Friday August 12, 2016
Location: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA
Times: Course will begin at 9 AM on August 10 and end an 12 PM on August 12.
This 2.5 day course will cover the theory and application of InSAR processing with GMTSAR. Lectures and exercises will be given to teach the basic theoretical aspects of InSAR. Labs will include software installation, running test data sets for standard interferogram formation as well as more advanced processing for time series with Sentinel-1A TOPS-mode data. Contact David Sandwell with questions.
Students should bring their own UNIX capable laptop computer with at least 4 Gbytes of memory.
Computer code, documentation, and sample data sets can be downloaded from the following sites:
Students must apply for WInSAR data access through their (WInSAR University representative) or apply for access through WInSAR and the Alaska Satellite Facility. Students are strongly encouraged to install the GMTSAR software prior to the workshop and should seek assistance from the instructors.
Optional beach time 5-6 PM.
Last modified: 2019-12-24 01:25:48 America/Denver