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The Next Generation of LiDAR Analysis for Critical Zone Research

May 12th-14th, 2014. Arrival on May 11th. Begins 8 am Monday May 12th. Ends 4 pm Wednesday May 14th.
Guggenheim (Geography building), University of Colorado Boulder Campus, Boulder, CO

Limited to 20 participants
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This course is being taught through the Critical Zone Exploration Network (CZEN) .

The collection of LiDAR datasets from the Earth surface is increasing exponentially, providing an unprecedented amount of data for scientists and researchers. However, there is consensus that the tools/techniques for extracting information from these datasets are lacking. The goal of this workshop is to expose early career CZ scientists to new LiDAR processing techniques to develop a vision for advancing their own research and the broader CZ science using LiDAR datasets. Employing a combination of instruction, hands-on projects, and group discussion the workshop will provide an excellent platform for learning about the state-of-the-art LiDAR processing techniques and interaction with an engaged, multi-disciplinary group of researchers.

The three-day workshop is roughly divided into a day of instruction, a day of group projects, and a day of discussion and writing. The first day will include presentations from NCALM and UNAVCO on the technical aspects of LiDAR collection and processing. This will be followed by short presentations where processing techniques are introduced to the group (hands-on in a computer lab). The second day will be spent working in small groups that will be given datasets and processing techniques to investigate three topics: 1. Examining emergent processes and features across spatial scales, 2. Verifying and parameterizing physical models, and 3. Assessing CZ change with multiple LiDAR datasets. On the final day of the workshop a discussion will ensue based on small group results and previous instruction. We will develop a paper outlining our vision for using LiDAR datasets to advance CZ science over the next five years to be published in a peer-reviewed journal.

Please direct questions to Dr. Adrian Harpold (


Last modified: 2019-12-24  01:25:50  America/Denver