June 26 - 28, 2013
UNAVCO, 6350 Nautilus Drive, Boulder, Colorado
Course will begin at 9 AM on June 26 and end an 12 PM on June 28.
This 2.5 day course will cover the theory and application of InSAR processing with GMTSAR. Lectures and exercises will be given to teach the basic theoretical aspects of InSAR. Labs will include software installation, running test data sets for standard interferogram formation as well as more advanced processing for stacking of interferograms and ScanSAR interferometry.
Students will also learn how to select data from the InSAR archives at UNAVCO and the Alaska Satellite Facility for their application. Students will need to bring their own laptop computer with more than 1.5 Gbytes of memory, running a UNIX operating system and a C-compiler.
Computer code, documentation, and sample data sets.
Course materials, including presentations, homework, and problem set solutions
David Sandwell, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, dsandwellucsd.edu
Rob Mellors, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, mellors1llnl.gov
Xiaopeng Tong, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Scott Baker, UNAVCO
Last modified: 2019-12-24 01:25:52 America/Denver