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GPS Data Processing Using GAMIT/GLOBK and TRACK

November 16-19, 2010
4600 Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami, FL 33149
University of Miami, FL

Course Materials

This workshop will combine GPS data processing and analysis using the GAMIT/GLOBK software with modeling of secular and time-dependent motion of GPS stations using DEFNODE. Participants will be expected to have exercised the software on their own before the workshop and should bring laptops with the software installed or with remote access to their own labs. The format will include both presentations and one-on-one tutoring using the participants' own data.

The course will begin at 9am on 16 November and end at Noon on 19 November, but the instructors will be available for the remainder of the afternoon on the 19th for anyone who wishes additional tutoring.

Please contact Bob King ( for all curriculum related questions

Bob King, MIT; Rob McCaffrey, Portland State; Tim Dixon and Shimon Wdowinski, Miami.


Last modified: 2019-12-24  01:25:54  America/Denver