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Processing and Analysis of GPS Data with GAMIT/GLOBK/TRACK

September 23-25, 2008
UNAVCO, Boulder, Colorado

Course Materials including Agenda, Notes, and Presentations.

This course will provide group and (some) individual instruction in GPS data analysis, with Tuesday devoted to GAMIT and GLOBK for tectonic studies, Wednesday to polar and other kinematic applications of TRACK, and Thursday to tutorials and in-depth discussion of advanced topics for both static and kinematic analysis.

Participants should bring laptops with the software installed or with remote access to the software in their own labs. Laptops should be either LINUX or MAC OSX. Participants will be expected to have read the documentation, run the provided examples, and attempted to process their own data. Go to to download the software and get 'help' in beginning to process data. If you have difficulties, please contact Tom Herring or Bob King whose contact information is at the same website.

Faculty: Tom Herring, Bob King, and Simon McClusky, MIT; Matt King, University of Newcastle

Participants should bring laptops with the software installed or with remote access to the software in their own labs. Laptops should be either LINUX or MAC OSX. Participants will be expected to have read the documentation, run the provided examples, and attempted to process their own data. Go to to download the software and get 'help' in beginning to process data. If you have difficulties, please contact Tom Herring or Bob King whose contact information is at the same website.


Last modified: 2019-12-24  01:25:56  America/Denver