Installation of the museum exhibit created by UNAVCO in partnership with IRIS and EarthScope and funded by NSF and NASA. At the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, Ore., on Thursday, Jan. 9, 2013. (Photo/Shelley Olds)

Request Support

Request Support for any of the topics listed below. A project manager will be assigned for complex requests that require multiple services, coordination, and management.

  • Broader Impacts section of project proposals submitted by community PIs. UNAVCO can provide guidance to PIs with proposal planning and budgeting for broader impacts. Some examples of areas to include:
    • Student support
    • Field education using TLS, SfM, and GPS Additionally, complete the Field Education Supplemental Support Request Form.
    • Support for short courses led by PIs
    • Curriculum Design and Instructional support
    • Social Media Dissemination support
  • Geodetic-focused Field Education includes assistance with scientific, equipment, and pedagogical needs for teaching techniques such as TLS, SfM, and GPS in geoscience courses with field components.
  • Student Mentoring Best Practices and Guidance is available to help you with your REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) program.
  • Science Communication Training. On a case-by-case basis, UNAVCO can provide science communication training and training support to our community. Options include: training consultation, recommending materials specific to the audience you’d like to train and your goals, remote training session(s) via an online real-time video service, and on-site training.
  • Upper Undergraduate, Graduate Student, and Researcher Professional Development is available through UNAVCO technical short courses.
  • Educational Materials Review and Dissemination includes guidance on revision and pedagogical review of existing materials including education data tools, coordination of scientific review, and facilitation of new curriculum materials to disseminate your curricular materials and ancillary educational tools focused on geodesy, applications of geodesy, and UNAVCO-supported science.
  • Request a UNAVCO Educator Packet that includes a suite of materials useful in both the classroom and informal educational environments. Designed for K-12 teachers, college professors, and informal outreach instructors, all these materials help students explore geodesy, geodetic data, and the role geodesy plays in our everyday lives.
  • Communicate your geoscience research and education using geodesy. Share your results with us, and we will share them through our social media channels and news feed.

Email Us

Email educationat for quick questions or if you cannot find what you need.
